Pick your next digital skill among our online courses in digital

Get access to high-quality courses in digital marketing, digital transformation and, digital defense based on practice, illustrations, and real professional experiences sharing

Affichage de 21–26 sur 26 résultats

Comment configurer les outils de tracking indispensables à votre site web (3/5)

49.00  TTC

Comprendre, mettre en œuvre et configurer un tag management system et des outils de web analyse tels que Google Tag Manager et Google Analytics.

Comment configurer les outils de tracking indispensables à votre site web (3/5)

Comprendre, mettre en œuvre et configurer un tag management system et des outils de web analyse tels que Google Tag Manager et Google Analytics.

49.00  TTC

Setup the essential tracking tools needed for your business (3/5)

25.00  TTC

Understand, Implement and configurate a tag management system and web analytics tools such as Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics.


Setup the essential tracking tools needed for your business (3/5)

Understand, Implement and configurate a tag management system and web analytics tools such as Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics.

25.00  TTC

Comment tracker des évènements spécifiques à votre site web via l’usage d’un datalayer (2/5)

49.00  TTC

Apprenez à concevoir un datalayer pour suivre des évènements spécifiques à votre site web sous n'importe quel outil analytics

Comment tracker des évènements spécifiques à votre site web via l’usage d’un datalayer (2/5)

Apprenez à concevoir un datalayer pour suivre des évènements spécifiques à votre site web sous n'importe quel outil analytics

49.00  TTC

Create a datalayer to detail all the information to measure (2/5)

25.00  TTC

Learn how to write the list of all the informations you need to measure to monitor your business performances.


Create a datalayer to detail all the information to measure (2/5)

Learn how to write the list of all the informations you need to measure to monitor your business performances.

25.00  TTC

Comment développer une entreprise “data-driven” ? (Pack de 5 cours)

199.00  TTC

Vous venez de lancer votre entreprise ? Vous avez besoin de nouvelles compétences en digital ? Trouvez tout ce dont vous avez besoin en web-analytics pour suivre, piloter et

Comment développer une entreprise “data-driven” ? (Pack de 5 cours)

Vous venez de lancer votre entreprise ? Vous avez besoin de nouvelles compétences en digital ? Trouvez tout ce dont vous avez besoin en web-analytics pour suivre, piloter et analyser les données de votre site web. Jouez le rôle d'un web-analyste. Mettez les mains dans les outils (Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager et Google Data Studio). Et résolvez la mystérieuse baisse de revenus de la boutique en ligne: Google Merchandise Store. Apprenez à partir des meilleures pratiques et méthodologies du marché.  

199.00  TTC

How to make data-driven decisions [Track, Analyze, Monitor] (Pack 5 courses)

99.00  TTC

New business to launch? New skills to get? Find everything you need in web analytics to track, monitor, and analyze your business data. Play the role of a web


How to make data-driven decisions [Track, Analyze, Monitor] (Pack 5 courses)

New business to launch? New skills to get? Find everything you need in web analytics to track, monitor, and analyze your business data. Play the role of a web analyst. Put your hands in the tools (Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager & Google Data Studio) to solve the mysterious drop of revenue of the Google Merchandise Store. Learn from the best practices of the market and methodologies after practicing.  

99.00  TTC

We got you covered


Upcoming courses

We are working hard to deliver new courses regularly. If you need us to cover a specific topic, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Cover_Design thinking

An introduction to design thinking #UX #UI #SCRUM

If you’re planning on creating a new product or service, you will need design thinking to ensure its success. This course will teach you what design thinking is, its origin, and what it can bring you.


Legal compliance: How to guide to do digital marketing in EU #GDPR #CMP

If you’re planning to do some business in UE and mainly collect data on clients, you must comply with the General Data Privacy Regulation. This course will teach you what is needed to comply with GDPR. Learn what a CMP (Consent Management Platform) is and how to set it up. 

Get you know your next tutors


+10 years of experience in digital marketing and digital transformation



Strong experiences in knowledge management and knowledge collection 


We focus on making our courses real tools for transfering our skills. At the end of each course, we aim at making you capable of doing things on your own or at least get the abilities to improve fast. For this we provide lots of practical exercises in conditions as close as possible to the real ones. We also include illustrations for the theorical parts. At last, most of the lessons are videos taken by the tutor.

For each course, we offer you a sample of lessons. You can judge by yourself of their quality. Also we plan on producing entire course for free. They will be accessible when logged in. 

Once you purchase a course, you have a lifetime access to its content. It includes all the lessons, the material, quizzes, templates and links. Also it includes the future updates made to the course.

Once a course is purchased, you cannot change it. 

You just have to send us an email at contact@stealthworks.me within 30 days after the purchase of the course. You will get your refund on the same credit card you used. 

Note that there can be some delay to receive the money depending on your bank. 

Some lessons need a Gmail account. Apart from that, you need just time and efforts  🙂  

You can contact us anytime by email (contact@stealthworks.me). We do our best to answer you as fast as possible.

Let's get in contact

A question on our courses ? A project ? Something is not clear ? Do not wait to contact us. It will be our pleasure to answer you.
